macro_rules! harness {
( $( { $($args:tt)* } ),+ $(,)* ) => {
fn main() -> ::std::process::ExitCode {
let mut requirements = Vec::new();
use $crate::data_source_kinds::*;
use $crate::test_kinds::*;
$crate::harness_collect!(@gather_test requirements, { $($args)*, } => { });
( $( $name:path, $root:expr, $pattern:expr ),+ $(,)* ) => {
const _: () = {
concat!(r"this format is no longer supported -- please switch to specifying as:
datatest_stable::harness! {
$(concat!(" { test = ", stringify!($name), ", root = ", stringify!($root), ", pattern = ", stringify!($pattern), " },\n"),)+
note: patterns are now evaluated relative to the provided root, not to the crate root
macro_rules! harness_collect {
{ test = $test:path, $($rest:tt)* } =>
{ }
) => {
{ $($rest)* } =>
{ test = $test, }
{ $key:ident $($rest:tt)* } =>
{ }
) => {
compile_error!(concat!("expected `test`, found `", stringify!($key), "`"));
{ $(,)* } =>
{ }
) => {
compile_error!("expected `test`, but ran out of arguments");
{ $($rest:tt)* } =>
{ }
) => {
compile_error!(concat!("expected `test`, found non-identifier token: (rest: ", stringify!($($rest)*), ")"));
{ root = $root:expr, $($rest:tt)* } =>
{ $($collected:tt)* }
) => {
{ $($rest)* } =>
{ $($collected)* root = $root, }
{ $key:ident $($rest:tt)* } =>
{ $($collected:tt)* }
) => {
compile_error!(concat!("expected `root`, found `", stringify!($key), "`"));
{ $(,)* } =>
{ $($collected:tt)* }
) => {
compile_error!(concat!("expected `root`, but ran out of arguments (collected: ", stringify!($($collected)*), ")"));
{ $($rest:tt)* } =>
{ $($collected:tt)* }
) => {
compile_error!(concat!("expected `root`, found non-identifier token (rest: ", stringify!($($rest)*), ")"));
{ pattern = $pattern:expr, $($rest:tt)* } =>
{ $($collected:tt)* }
) => {
{ $($rest)* } =>
{ $($collected)* pattern = $pattern, }
{ $key:ident $($rest:tt)* } =>
{ $($collected:tt)* }
) => {
compile_error!(concat!("expected `pattern`, found `", stringify!($key), "`"));
{ $(,)* } =>
{ $($collected:tt)* }
) => {
{ } =>
{ $($collected)* pattern = ".*", }
{ $($rest:tt)* } =>
{ $($collected:tt)* }
) => {
compile_error!(concat!("expected `pattern`, found non-identifier token (rest: ", stringify!($($rest)*), ")"));
{ $(,)* } =>
{ test = $test:path, root = $root:expr, pattern = $pattern:expr, }
) => {
{ $($unexpected:tt)+ } =>
{ $($collected:tt)* }
) => {
compile_error!(concat!("unexpected extra arguments: ", stringify!($($unexpected)+)));